
9/12 Pre-Week brief Newsletter

Let’s talk about the week ahead!

Market pundits are finally stating the obvious. Stocks are unsustainably high and the market is in need of some serious correction.

Here are some of the notable Fed announcements coming out this week!

After market close tomorrow, Foreign Exchange Rates are coming out. What the heck is that? Like most Wall Street jargon, it’s meant to sound overly complicated and make you feel that they’re the only ones who understand it.

In normal human terms, this means the Fed is updating the comparative values of global currencies. For instance, they’ll likely update the value of 1 GBP (Great Britain Pound) in USD. The format usually looks like this: GBP/USD 1.383. This means 1 GBP is worth 1.383 USD.

Next report of note is on Friday. This is the Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the US. This is another updated Fed report where the big banks (and smaller commercial banks) disclose their assets and liabilities. This is a sort of financial health check for banks.

Major Earnings Predictions


My prediction: Oracle will destroy earnings (in a good way!)

Analyst prediction: Earnings beat

Manchester United

My prediction: Slight earnings beat

Analyst prediction: Earnings miss


*these predictions are just that; predictions. In no way is this intended to be financial advice.

What do you think about our predictions? Be sure to let us know by emailing us at

Have a great week and remember to take the Hint weekly!


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