
Introducing Follow the Money

Michael L.

Knowing when a corporation will attempt to acquire another company or sell a large share of its business is hard when you don’t have the resources or expert networks that the pros have. We tend to find out about deals far past the point of potentially carving out a profit.

Once mergers or any other sort of corporate restructuring is publicized on Fox Business or in The Wall Street Journal, it’s too late. At least, it used to be.

Enter Follow the Money.

Follow the Money was recently created by MacroHint to help you and me stay ahead.

MacroHint simply scours the corporate jet world for any recent or even current, real time corporate travel movements and attempts to deduce the reasoning behind those movements. It could be a CEO’s vacation or it could be the early innings of a company filing Chapter 11.

Either way, you’ll have an idea before your fellow investors do.

Even if you are not a profit-seeker and you just want to have a general idea of what is going on in the global corporate landscape, Follow the Money is perfect for you.

Seeing in next to real time where the big money is traveling offers great potential upside.

What better way to get an idea of which companies are seeking acquisitions, building new plants, or taking a day trip to New York or Delaware to file their taxes?

This data used to only be available to hedge funds and other bigwig investment groups, however, MacroHint is leveling the playing field.

Don’t get me wrong, there will be some mundane information about a company flying out to their annual shareholders meeting or traveling to New York to do the obligatory in-person interview with Squawk Box.

However, there will be days when a company will fly out to a small town like Minot, North Dakota, which is seemingly random, but in a few months could have been identified for what it actually was; the start of a blockbuster corporate acquisition.

MacroHint helps with that part too.

On the final section of each trip, “Money Moves”, I will explain my best estimation as to why a certain businessperson or corporation is traveling where they are.

You can learn a lot about a company simply by seeing where they travel.

Stay ahead of the profit curve by staying on MacroHint.

If you have any company requests feel free to reach out to us at

All flight data is complied from


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